Dear Players,
As we welcome the spring, summer season the following is a review of our program as a whole and updates from your feedback from this past term.
We took the leap and moved from social tennis to match practice, the result has seen attendance triple!
Social tennis was offered 4 evenings per week with approx 10 players attending in total. Match practice now sees more than 30 players participating on a regular basis.
Planning with Your Feedback
Midway through the past term we asked for your feedback, the first question;
Q. What part of the program would you like us to improve?.
Ans. The majority of you asked for an increase in social and competitive play.
To that end we are introducing Team Tennis 2.0.
At the end of this term Team Tennis will now see groups that train at a set day and time compete against other groups that train at a different day and time e.g. Thursday at 7:30pm vs Wednesday at 8:30pm.
The social aspect will stem from players in the various groups practising together inside and outside of coaching preparing for a one off showdown at the end of the term.
This will culminate in a competitive ladder where the groups will be able to see what teams are above and below them as they try to work their way to the top!
The second question we asked;
Q. What part of your game would you like to improve?
Ans. The serve came up time and time again.
As a result whether taking part in coaching, match practice or matchplay once the warm up is complete every session will now include the serve as we get things flowing!
Hurdles to Overcome
Our program is far from perfect and we want to acknowledge some current items and potential stumbling blocks that might arise;
Court Space
With the introduction of match practice to our academy program player participation has increased significantly. With it has come increased pressure on the courts as players now have a greater pool of people to play with, some playing for two hours, first in training and then with each other. It’s great to see!
We want to acknowledge that there is currently one time slot where no court is available to book and slots are available at all other times.
Last term those players who let us know they were struggling to find space or people to play with were facilitated to be able to continue to enjoy the game. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly and we can help.
Not in a Group for Team Tennis
If you are currently not in our coaching program but would still like to be part of a Team that’s no problem. Simply click here and we will find a team for you.
We do not expect players to take part in 4 terms of coaching each year just to be part of a team. Particularly if you are playing once a week we recommend you transition to play outside of coaching socially, send us your feedback and we can then decide what to work on next.
Of course there may be other items on your mind or you simply have suggestions on how we can continue to grow and improve. We encourage you to send us a message or drop in for a chat.
As we enter the summer season we look forward to continuing to build a warm friendly environment for play where people can learn and enjoy the game together.
Many Thanks,